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Title: Artificial Intelligence and Potential Future Possibilities
Authors: Sakyi, Kwesi Atta
Keywords: Artificial Intelligence
Technological Innovations
Issue Date: 28-Feb-2017
Publisher: International Journal of Development Research
Abstract: The explosion of Technological knowledge and the spread of the Globalisation process in the last two decades has opened many windows of opportunities for technological innovations and disintermediation in the way routine and creative activities are carried out. Thanks to Artificial Intelligence (AI). These developments have implications for creating more leisure for humans, paradoxically creating unemployment on the one hand and more employment on the other hand, opening up infinite possibilities for doing business in a totally different manner in areas such as medicine, education, sports, entertainment, personal welfare, security and safety, agriculture, marketing, navigation, warfare, forecasting, microclimate, resource mapping, and extraction, resource management, telecommunications, and scientific research, among many other possibilities. This article will concentrate on these areas only. The changes in the world of Information Communication Telecommunications (ICT) and technology, in general, have implications for changing drastically the way business is carried out. That is the area of focus of this paper which will try to project into the future and give the author’s idea of how developments in Artificial Intelligence will affect and portray new scenarios in the lives of people. This is an article that will be based on secondary data or published sources and also incorporate some creative ideas of the author. The results expected in this article will therefore be based on speculation and educated guesses, inspired by the works of futurists and novelists such as Noam Chomsky, Alfred Toffler, Alexandre Dumas, Nostradamus, Samuel Huttington, H.G. Wells, Mary Shelley, George Orwell, J.R.R. Tolkien, Fukuyama, among many others.
Description: Journal Article
ISSN: 2230-9926
Appears in Collections:Research Papers and Journal Articles

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